I know I've said before I need to stop reading the news, it depresses the hell out of me. What kills me is some liberals still defend criminals. Oh I know, they were poor, that gives them the excuse to rape and mutilate women. And they said the reports she wasn't mutilated were inaccurate, I beg to differ. The medical examiner said there was extensive damage to the mouth, vagina, and anus and an inanimate object was used. I call that mutilation. Lethal injection is too kind for these animals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channon_Christian http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megan_Williams_case Both of these cases are hate crimes. Despite the police saying one is not- they just don't want to anger the black community I suspect. As the father said, you don't do that to a woman unless you hate. ...