No good reason? Israel is a state. Palestine is not. That's for starters. Second, Israel loudly proclaims how wonderful it is, how it's a democracy surrounded by authoritarian monstrosities, etc. If you climb up on top of a mountain and proclaim your moral superiority, you're going to be held to a higher standard, and rightly so. Same with us. The US routinely criticizes other governments for torture and such. But when we do it, suddenly it's fine (or it's "not really torture" or whatever other bullshit excuse we choose to cling to). This is the basic issue, really: you cannot simultaneously proclaim that you're the "good guys" and all that (greatest nation on earth!!!1111!!!) whilst doing the very things the "bad guys" are doing, for which you label them bad guys. It doesn't pass a basic laugh test, except amongst a certain segment of our own population. -Arrian