D Day
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06-07-2009, 03:51 AM
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Oct 2005
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Obama called D-day "an improbable victory", but really the Germans had little hope of repelling the invasion. By June 1944 the Luftwaffe in France had virtually ceased to exist. Most of the units in the area were essentially third line units manned by a high percentage of invalids. They were lacking in equipment. Some of the "divisions" were really construction units with a high percentage of non-Germans who very much did not want to die for the Third Reich. While the allies were lackig in heavy armor they made up for it with air power. P-51s and P-47s devastated the linse of communication between Germany and Normandy. Only 1/3 of the equipment destined for Normandy made it to the front. The few panzer divisions in the area were particularily strangled by allied air power. Most of these units fought with less than 1/4th of their alloted tanks, so it didn't matter how terrific the Tiger and Panther tanks were, they often fought out numbered 5 or 10 to 1 against an enemy which was also able to call in precision artillery and air strikes.
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