So who did Bush end up pardoning anyway?
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01-28-2009, 04:25 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
hihi - i just had a funny idea...
How about not having one ruling guy, put a cabinet of ministers (without a prime). They decide what to do in concensus, but for everything they do decide on, the one who suggested it must personally bear the most severe consequences of it for at least just one day/time. In a real way, not in a political way. So instead of retiring and saying sorry, be like ´in the field´.
So one guy really wants to bomb another country, and it gets approved by the other cabinet members, he can go forward, bomb, but he himself, must go into said country until he has been in the immediate proximity of a bombing raid himself at least once and for the next 24h following. Or if some cabinet members suggests torture be okay, he himself should be tortured once, after the law is okay´ed. Kind of difficult to suggest death penalty under such a system, i guess...
But if they are corrupt and profit from their politics, one could at least say they somehow paid for and kinda deserved it (the profit).
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