Group Work Vs Solitary
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03-25-2012, 06:27 AM
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Oct 2005
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Group Work Vs Solitary
I have read recently that all covens are, are a bunch of solitaries who get together occasionally.
This is in a Wiccan context. I like this idea, because it places some emphasis on
, to get a healthy solitary practice happening.
I can't help but think, whatever your intentions, that participating in a group religious setting means that you will get burnt eventually by people. Of course if you are one of these types where you ignore other people's behaviour, you may escape this, but most people are not like that. No matter what you do, eventually some rogue person will be bringing their drama to your doorstep.
Whereas a solitary, or someone who has a house church, or rituals in the family, will have the most control over their religious setting and the chances for being burnt are almost zero.
Religious abuse, spiritual abuse, cult like behaviour always happens when the individual gives up some power to follow a group.
Do you think the future of spiritual religious movement will be individual led?
Forums like this are a great way for solitaries to mix with others, whilst still maintaining a concrete boundary.
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