Soul - Soulmate?
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03-25-2012, 12:25 AM
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Nov 2005
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In my Pagan teachings for the Rune-Gild I'm involved with, I have a study on the difference between soul mate and
. In reading above, a perfect example is Raincloud, who is happy, content and is excited about his
soul mate.
In very brief terms, as I believe and extend out through my gild curriculum; a
soul mate
is a "...
majikal sort of mating between two people that admire, respect and love each other in every aspect of their lives, no matter how completely different human beings they may be. While their religious and/or
Spiritual needs
may be very different, even completely opposing, there is a unrelenting need in their psyche that demands is the epitome of
"opposite attractions"
.... One might consider these type folks to be in the same category as
fraternal twins
on the other hand is two people who souls have a common goal, a familiar or similar need or
soul bonding
that dictates the absolute need for a union between the physical vessels... they are very like minded in fulfilling their
and/or religious needs... it is the Cozmik bond between two people that is commonly said
fate or destiny meant for them to be together
One might consider these type folks to be in the same category as
identical twins
I realize this goes against most conventional teachings or understanding, but this train of thought goes back millennium through the esoteric gilds, thus not exactly mainstream. There are of course many aspects to this bond that even the Vitki's and Shaman of today do not totally understand as society was greatly different 2000 years ago than it is today. Our societal acceptances and demands are far more varied today than the staunch, hard line traditions of yesteryear.
Hope that helped a bit! Even if it was from a totally different view than what most folks perceive as "
Blessings of Peace,
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