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Old 04-28-2011, 01:52 PM   #30

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Oct 2005
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I have to agree, in regard to jokes, that this is one time when I would attack the secondary messengers rather than the messenger himself.
As a matter of history, Jesus did not found Christianity. Jesus preached only to a Jewish audience. It was Paul -- who never met Jesus -- who preached to the gentile world and created Christianity.

I am convinced that without Paul, the Jesus movement would have been absorbed into the mainstream Judaism of the time. The Jesus movement would have had the same relationship to Judaism as Buddhism -- another reform movement -- had to the Hindu religion.

In India, following Buddha's death, the Buddhist reform movent was largly absorbed by the Hindu religion. This is exactly where the Jesus movent was heading when Paul intervened. It follows that attacks on the historic figure of Jesus are misplaced.

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