Living Morally
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10-13-2009, 07:55 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
The one constant denominator in the vast majority of religions and spiritualities is their core Principles, Virtues, and Morals!!! That is why I am so darn ticked off that Muslims, Christians and Jews kill each other. They have the same God and they kill over semantics, they have the same principles and morals, yet they insist on self-righteoussness and arrogance over the actual dictates of their prophets and saviors.
The reason I say yes is because it is apparent that when you theologicaly study all these religions, spiritualities, myths, etc. You find that it is just a superiority label! ~smiles~ We should technically all be able to get along great, but we don't!!! ~sighs~.
My belief (because I really don't know) is that if you live a life of Good Prindciples and stick to your guns you will be rewarded with Heaven, Summerland, Happy Hunting Grounds, Valhalla, etc. just because you are one of the few who are actually capable of doing it, so even an atheist can pass if they lived a moralistic life! ~smiles & crosses fingers & chuckles~
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