Living Morally
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10-13-2009, 10:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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many people believe in heaven,or some type of afterlife.i find those to be a state of mind rather than a place.
in general,atheists will tell you once your dead,your worm food,and that's that.
i like the term recycled,it describes what i think happens better than reincarnated.however,depending on which belief system you look at,it means different things.hermano louis can explain this better,but the hindus as i understand it believe that depending on what type of person you were in this existence determines what you'll come back as.there is something about the brahma involved,but i don't fully understand buddhism(generally)we think(we don't know for sure)that what do you in this existence follows you to the next.some refer to it as good and bad karma.karma is niether,but i it could be that what you don't learn this trip,you can in the next.not all buddhists subscribe to this but we also think that once we have learned all we are supposed to,we return to the universe(brahma is the same idea,tao is related,but not exactly the same concept.jimbob will correct me)many people mis understand and call it nirvana.nirvana is a state of mind,like enlightenment,not a place.
so what people actually believe,they aren't wrong.we don't know,and as far as i know,noone has come back to say any different.
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