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06-11-2008, 04:43 AM
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Oct 2005
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Well,Ive studied religious systems over my 54 yrs..I ve a book on Judaism by Rabbi Dosic,says we are like a little piece of light for our soul,came from God,goes back to god.Howeva,the Judaic belief in hell,is being cut off from god,eternally ,as a choice one makes.
Other religious systems say that God has good n evil sides,just like people,& you wanna stay on god/Goddess es good side,you really don t wanna see their dark side.
I got a uncle in the Masons ,spouted off at me saying people are really going to be surprise when they go to see God in the afterlife ,sorting horns like the baphomet/devil is pictured in Christian society.In the middle ages,Christians made Jews wear horns for their belief in God as being horned.The jews also had horns on their early altars;it was said they could get sanctuary in church if they could reach the altar,& touch the horns,as a mercy of the church,I read.All the statues of pagan Gods/Goddesses were made with horns to signify they were dieties as opposed to common le.When Christians came along,it was a thing where youre with Christ or against him,thus the devil is with horns.
Zarathrustra was pictured at times as having a evil twin who must be propitiated,if one wanted to keep the devil off ones back,the masons my dad told me were involved ritually with this system amongst others.He was from the middle eastern world like Babylon,Persia,Assyria...This is where scolars say the devil made his debut,then influencing Judaism,as Jews were beaten,in warfare then made into slaves.The angels also were a offshoot likewise of the ancient pagan world,7 rubbed off ,influencing Jews,scolars in captivity.
Then too,Ancient Egypt had a pagan system of angels,& 7 levels of Heaven above ,with 7 levels of Hell below,influencing Judaism.Set,Setti was the Devil by another name;at death ,your soul was weighed in the balance,on the scales of the Gods,against a feather counterweight,symbolically,if you had bad on your soul ,depending on how bad your eternity would put you somewhere in those 14 levels of heaven n hell,like Machiavelli s book.
The Egyptian priesthood could make sacrifices on your behalf,for fees,just like the ole testament Jewish priesthood hqd to do burn t sacrifices,for various infractions.
The RC s ,go to confession,the priest tells them to say so many Our Fathers,Hail Mary s,& make a cood act of contrition,like paying compensation for doing property damage;paying back for a theft,etc..Then theres the collection plate as a hybrid of the burnt sacrifices,& the poor box,doing something for charity.
The Hasidic Rabbi s are the ones to do the Talisman thing,with The Jewish letters representing various aspects of God.Jesus was said to be closest to the Hasidic Rabbis,with their Cabala majic, n talismans.The Egyptian priesthood also did magic rituals on patrons behalf ,similar to these;had talismans,would perform elaborate rituals for patrons,n families,n the dead,the masons also use some of this ritual stuff.
Ah,the nostalgia...
Its written in the old testament for those who would have their sins forgiven to fast from sundown to sundown,a Jewish day runs from sundown to sundown!
Its my belief that the masons use ritual magic from diverse sourceto lay some malific stuff on societies members ,like vigilantes of the occult world.They back the police organized crime scenarios,like liquor,gambling ,& brothels,being 1/2 law enorcement in their ranks.The Shriners are higher echelon cadre.The Order of the Golden Dawn bookI had said it was higher levels of masonic degrees in its ritual initiations,thats the 1000 or so pg book on the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn.Rosicrucianism /Order of the Rosey Cross was said to be roughly equivalent to the golden dawn.The Masons have a belief of not giving preference to any one religion,& have a diverse tool box to draw from,like angeic,hermetic ,zoroastrianism,middle eastern,pagan.I heard my uncle,a mason spout that we all got it wrong about lucifer,he s a angel of light,& like hes the true God,talking about references in the bible about God is light,while the devil is darkness.So its my educated opinion that they lean on luciferian ritual magic to effect some of their secret stuff;chi vampirism,etc..I also hear they transfer their bad karma to the next generation,automatically,on becoming initiated.then I heard one way of getting that kind of monkey off my back was to become a mason,then it d fall to the next generation,howeva ,Im said to be infertile,& had no kids to become victims like that curse is said to be...
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