Whats the best idea
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11-14-2008, 02:35 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Your first question presented an interesting dilemma, one that most spiritual or introspective people face fairly often. In my case, I used to joke for years that I was anti-social, that it runs in my family. But the fact of the matter was that I was creatively preoccupied by my own inner questions and projects (and yes! that kind of self-absorption is unfortunately one of the paths one does sometime have to walk down).
Anyway, now that I've progressed in my creative work (fiction writing), I am confident enough to say to people, "I do not have infinite energy and my writing uses up a lot of it." I'm amazed how often people just smile and politely accept my answer.
As for your second question, I'm a bit confused.
Wouldn't starting a church result in even more work for you ?
Regards, IRA
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