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Old 10-17-2007, 09:26 PM   #1

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Default I Thought This Was Beautifully Written

Sooner or later, you will know God. You will choose your own way to get there, and no one can simply hand it to you. Again, it's not so hard to encounter knowledge, but it only matters if you make it your knowledge –for anyone can say they believe, but if you don’t really accept it, it can never help you.

And just as God can wait a million years for you to arrive, so too if it takes you a million years, well, that’s all right. God will understand. God doesn’t hate you. God wants you to find your way. God will wait. God isn’t waiting for any excuse to slap you down –God is above that.

God did not make you to play hockey with. You are a piece of art in progress. God has spent good time starting you, and isn’t going to botch it now just because you may take longer to complete than someone else.

At the same time, while all of this is true, it is also ultimate. There is no time limit; there is no deadline. God has all the time in the world and then some. When you arrive doesn’t matter, only that you ultimately shall arrive.

You must go to God. God will not come to you. And when you do, you do so as a fulfillment of your existence, not God’s. If you never did arrive, (though every by-road ultimately leads to the same place, after however much wandering) God would not be diminished by your absence. It would be your loss.

God is eternal. The actions of men and women cannot diminish God. God does not require your worship or your acknowledgment to exist and flourish. God existed before there was anything else, and will surely not cease to exist because of anything we could do or not do.

As a Pagan, I revere God as my Mother Who created all other existence out of Her own primeval existence, and shall hence forward refer to Her as such – though God is surely as much my Father as my Mother and Her existence cannot very well be limited by the names which we put on Her.

God is not an old man with a long white beard living on a cloud someplace. Nor is God a stately woman with oak leaves in her hair living in a sacred grove. These are our images, for our convenience. They do not matter in any wise at all to God.

God existed when the highest forms of life on Earth were dinosaurs and she existed in no less a stead than now, though dinosaurs built no temples to her. She was no less a God for the lack of temples and altars, and She loved the dinosaurs no less than us. They lived for a purpose, and their lives had meaning, and they learned the lessons of those lives as well as we do ours.

God existed when the only expression of immortal souls on Earth were microbes and amoebas. They offered her no praise. They wrote no hymns or sacred books. Yet they lived and died and learned the lessons of their lives as well as we. And the Mother of all things has not whither and die because the tongues of men and women moved not in her praise.

Her existence is independent and eternal. We do not influence it. We cannot bolster it. We cannot weaken it. God does not exist for us, or because of us, or for our sake. God exists because God exists.

Perhaps in some far off life, you were a dinosaur. Perhaps then you conceived of God as an eternal dinosaur, and the world her egg. Or perhaps you were an ameba, or a giant fern. Someone had to be.

God does not require your validation to exist. She has no need, as some religious leaders suggest, to go running after worshippers begging for their allegiance and making bargains of what she will trade them for their worship.

It is the worshipper who requires God, not God the worshipper.

Though, it may be a blow to your ego, you are not the cog on which the wheel of the Universe turns. You are not a sale made in a celestial supermarket war between good and evil. Not a soldier in an army to protect God’s throne. The Universe does not hang on the actions of your life. That is an appeal to your vanity. No matter what you do, the Universe will be just fine. It always has been. There is no Divine civil war. There never could be. The Universe is and always has been firmly under God’s control and her reign is no wise endangered, least of all by us.

Only the quality of your life is affected by whether you seek out God or not. Not even the fate of your Immortal soul is affected, for all roads will ultimately go to God, by however circuitous a path. Only the quality of this one life, and whatever effect it may carry over to the next life, is affected.

But isn’t that enough? This is from a text called The Five Mystic Secrets (this is only one of the secrets BTW) written by a Wiccan High Priestess who wrote it under the name of “Lady Elizabeth Greenwood".

What do you think???
CaseyFan is offline


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