I agree...you can only protect your children so far. Its a terrorifying aspect of reality, to be out of control and helpless to events in life that concern those we love. This is something my mother has always struggled with and one of the reasons I've got an anxiety disorder. Most spirits are not out to cause harm, thats the good news! If you ever feel worried about your son, think of him surrounded in Spirit's white, protective light. Besides that, there's nothing more you can do but have faith that spirit (or whom ever you believe in. I use Spirit as a generic reference in order to avoid offense) is guarding your little one. In most cases, your child will not be harmed. Frightened, yes. Who isn't frightened when something unseen and unexpected pops out of no where! Gradually you grow accustomed and realize that the uncertainty and surprise are the worst parts of being open to Spirit. Also, a bit of advice. Try not to worry too much, because you can call unknowingly call spirits to you or your child. It sounds like you're a good mother, and that your son is very precious and also healthy.