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05-12-2006, 02:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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When I cast a circle for ritual, I have three main candles on the altar - Blue - White - Orange (Goddess - Both - God). This is how I was trained and what speaks to me as right. I use "jar" candles to help minimize affects of ceiling fans or breezes when outside and to contain the wax to protect my altar cloth.
I have two tall-ish pillar candle holders upon which I place candles of whatever color happen to be handy since they are to provide light for my ritual book which sits upon a book holder in front of the pillar candle holders. Using the tall holders (more like pedistal platforms) helps keep the candles out of the way of my hands, arms, sleeves, etc. I am possibly going to look into finding some sort of reflectors to reflect the light downward from these two candles to better illuminate the ritual book. The hand printed text in this book is in red for what is to be done and black for what is to be said. Simple yet effective.
I have not used candles to mark the Quarters though I have attended circles where they were used, both at the edge of the circle and upon the altar. My personal thoughts are having the Quarters candles upon the altar makes for a very crowded altar with a LOT of chances to get burned or catch something on fire...
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