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05-21-2006, 05:33 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I probably would have left Mohammed were he is, but I would have placed Plato in the place of Issac Newton, with Jesus Christ below Plato. Of course this is only my opinion.
In our modern world we have lost awareness of the great contribution that Plato had upon our culture and upon the world. He was the father of western philosophy. The great schools of Alexandria were founded upon the Plato's philososphy, and it was in Alexandria that Christian doctrines took form. Many of the early Christian fathers were first Platonic philosophers. Even though the Christian Church would eventually destroy the original Platonic Academy and all other Platonic schools, it would be the study of Plato and Aristotles (whose teachings had been preserved by the muslims) that would usher in the Renaissance and eventually our modern world of science and democracy.
I would have place Aristotles together with Issac Newton. Aristotles is the father of logic, and he was one of the true early scientists.
Just the opinion of one man.
Hermano Luis
Moriviví Hermitage
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