3 Nights 4 Days Reviews
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08-14-2012, 08:52 PM
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3 Nights 4 Days Reviews
Film: 3 Nights 4 Days
Anuj Sawhney, Hrishtaa Bhatt
Devang Dholakia
1 hour 40 minutes
Critic's Rating:
A bunch of college friends meet up in Goa for a wedding. But the three nights and four days preceding the wedding turn out to be a life-altering experience for most of them as old flames are revoked and new equations formed.
Movie Review:
Wanna know how the new age bunch lives? Here's a peppering of keywords that might give you a clue: virginity, orgasm, I-pill, gay, rave, acid etcetra etcetra etcetra...Devang Dholakia's film makes all the right sounds to pose a modern take on how the metrosexuals live.
But it doesn't go deeper, ending up as a superficial scan on the liberal, free no-strings-attached existence of the twenty-somethings.
College friends Hrishtaa and Anuj Sawhney rediscover their attraction for each other when they get together for a friend's wedding in Goa. But the wedding turns out to be more eventful as the bride runs away, the groom feels a long-forgotten pull towards his old Valentine, another friend turns out to be gay while the wannabe actor-turned-dope addict tries to turn over a new leaf.
Interesting but not really engrossing.
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