Mercy Killing.
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06-15-2012, 08:07 AM
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Oct 2005
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And if you go to the Doctor next week, and are diagnosed with Alzheimers? What then? You are fully aware and competent to decide your own death, for now. What if you had that, but didn't want to see your family suffer, or yourself a mindless husk, but instead spend what sane moments you have left with your family and loved ones, and die when your mind is determined to be fully gone by said family and loved ones, Doctors.
I would want the choice. I have alzheimers in my family. You can't legally deny me that right. That's what I am saying. Not every person who looks at an awful future such as that and wants to die, is depressed. They simply see what they will become, know it, understand it, and do not want it.
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