Popular Culture Viewed Through Buddhism
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05-15-2012, 10:22 PM
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Oct 2005
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Popular Culture Viewed Through Buddhism
Hi, I'm new so I'll say "hello" first
For some time I have been conflicted between my lifelong passion for music/movies/popular culture and my theory about it being ultimately destructive on some level. I started by giving up T.V (it wasn't a decision, more a progression) and it's spread to everything else to do with media/pop culture more or less.
I've not been enjoying these things for a couple of years now (at least not like I used to) and have pretty much just given them up. It doesn't come naturally to me to sit down and listen to music or watch a film any more, and when i do, I don't get much from it. I can't decide whether this is a good thing or bad, or if it's a natural change in my life or something more sinister (depression for example). Because it's always been a big part of my life (and everyone I know), I'm struggling to admit that I just don't care about it any more. At the same time I gave up T.V I tried to stop eating meat, which I'm still trying to do with varying degrees of success.
I feel like I've had some kind of consciousness shift and half of me won't let the old stuff go.
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