What if you don't like "reality"
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04-26-2012, 03:03 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
As a practicing Buddhist, I welcome 'difficult situations' that challenge my intellects and emotions. Why? because each situation is a chance for me to practice. I can use each situation and my response to the situation to judge myself. Did I improve? Did I regress? What do I need to work on? Why did I react the way I did?
Yes, sometimes I screwed up and paid the price and had to clean up a lot of mess. But as I truly faced my situations and learn to resolve them with Dharma, I found that difficult situations become fewer and less difficult.
In my view, difficult situations are gifts to practicing Buddhists, because without them, you will never know where you are on your path and don't know what you need to work on. And I look forward to them.
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