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04-09-2012, 06:13 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hello and welcome! I'll try and keep this post short:
Basically, I took Philosophy and Ethics in school and in our second year we started Buddhism. Ever since I have immersed myself into Siddhartha's teachings I found that if I ever became religious, it would be Buddhism. I completely believe that ALL life is equal regardless of what or who they are, and Dukkha and other things. However, there are some things that I find myself unable to believe in.
As we all know, the Noble Eightfold Path teaches right mindfulness, actions, emotions etc. But if someone were to bully or torment me I would not stand idle. I would do something about it; possibly dealing something in return.
Does this completely sabotage my chances of reaching Nirvana, or gaining good kamma? Could I possibly say that one of the teaching was that effecting something will effect you in return? I don't really know .
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