Then we come to Mahayana, based on my understanding, which admittedly could be wrong so please correct me if it is, Mahayana has more in common with religion in the western sense of the word since Buddha is viewed almost like a deity and Bodhisattvas are revered and worshiped. For instance, Pure Land, seems to have a lot in common with Protestant Christianity since it stresses faith over individual works. However, I am very attracted to the ideal of Bodhisattvas and the compassion they embody. I also like the Mahayana idea that enlightenment can be achieved by the laity and not just monastics, like it is in Theravada. So, I was wondering, am I the only one who has these thoughts and do you all have advice for helping me here? Finally, I apologize if I've said something wrong or offended any one of either tradition. I freely admit I could be very wrong and welcome any information you all can offer. Thanks.