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Old 01-29-2012, 06:42 PM   #7

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Oct 2005
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I'm much the same when it comes to a lot of things including meditation. What everyone has already said is good advice especially going to a Buddhist centre. That's what was the greatest motivation for me even if it was scary at first (I'm also terribly shy lol). If that's not possible for you though, reading a few books on the different kinds of meditation can help. Like everything, it becomes less of a chore if you enjoy it and it doesn't become boring or repetitive.

Training your body to it is also useful. Try to meditate at the same time every day. For me i find before I go to bed works best as it settles my mind and stops it racing, especially simple breathing meditations. I'm often tired and running late for work in the mornings but if I'm not I like to do it then too so I'm calm and in control and ready to face the day with an open and compassionate mind so analytical is best then. Sometimes even mini meditations on the train to work, practicing compassion for all the strangers around me for example, can be beneficial too; you don't have to just sit in the lotus position to meditate after all

Also it's useful not to set any kind of time limit. Just sit down and give it a go. If you manage to last fifteen minutes, that's great. If you only last three minutes that's great too, its still time spent practicing that you otherwise would not have done. Like everything we have good days and bad days but so long as we try it's always a good day really

Finally scent is a powerful sense and I found that just smelling something can trigger emotions and memories so I went and found a scent of incense I found soothing and started using it when I meditate at home. Now after about a month of doing that (nearly) daily if I catch just a hint of the smell I'm reminded of how good it feels to meditate and I want to do it again.

These are all just suggestions on what worked for me, they may not for you but you never know until you try. Just remember if you try to set up a schedule and miss a day here or there it's nothing to beat yourself up over. Sometimes the outside world and our ego does it's best to prevent us and other things happen that demands our full attention. That doesn't mean we're failing at it, it just means we're human and aren't perfect yet, and while we're not perfect and same for those around us we always have a goal

Edit: Oops that was a little longer than I thought it would be >.< Oh well, hopefully it helps rather than overwhelm
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