What's Your Daily Buddhist Practice?
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12-28-2011, 09:59 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
For me The Noble Eightfold Path is the practice, it sounds maybe a little bit simple, but it is the way The Buddha told us to practice, and let it be your guide throughout the day.
Right view:
It will be faith in the beginning, and then during your practice you will experience for your self that, what The Buddha taught is the truth. Then your faith will gradually change to right view.
Right intention:
Have wholesome thoughts as often as possible, because intention is the forerunner for action. Also be aware of your unwholesome thought and don't let them materialize. Sometimes it is a good idea to just slow down a bit, and don't rush about.
Right speech:
Think before you talk, take the time to consider what you are going to say and be sure it won't hurt anyone, you can do it, and when you practice it all the time, in the end it will be a habit, a good habit, and then you have come a long way. Don't ever talk about someone who is not present, and don't "chat" for just "chatting" "talk is silver, silence is gold".
Right action:
Again think before you do anything, and consider what effect the action will have on others as well as yourself. Do it consequently during your day, remember very few things have to be done in a hurry, take the time and do it right.
Right livelihood:
Do your job with care and again be aware that you don't hurt others or yourself. Try to make a difference for those people you interact with through your job. Be honest and fair.
Right effort:
Put energy into your practice, don't sleep your time away. If you need a rest take a rest. Study the Dhamma deligently every day and make sure you do your meditation. Don't use your time on useless things
Right mindfulness:
Be mindful all the time, it sounds difficult, and yes it is, but you just have to try, and over time you will experience it will be more and more easy, and your life will change. Mindfulness is the key, and when you develop your mindfulness, you will find out how the other 7 noble truths will be much easier to practice. Everything will change when you develop your mindfulness and your life and your practice will just be so "fun"
Right concentration:
Of course this is your meditation, and you just do it to the best of your abilities, and you just keeping do it whatever you have a "good" or "bad" meditation,
There is no bad meditation
, and the result will come, don't worry. But also use your concentration outside meditation, whatever you do during the day concentrate on what you are doing. With mindfulness and concentration you will always do wholesome thing.
Yes that is my practice and I can tell you it both give you a good life and your Buddhist practice will progress without many problems.
May all be happy and practice to the best of their abilities.
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