Buddhism & children question
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12-26-2011, 07:47 PM
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Oct 2005
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Hello SuperFrog,
But, if everyone stopped having children, would everyone just reincarnate as whales and frogs and other creatures? Maybe its better to provide human experiences since as humans we can become self aware. On the other hand Bundokji mentioned attachment which is an incredibly painful feeling, I would not want my children to have to feel pain at my eventual death. Last night i watched a fantastic video for Ajahn Brahm on youtube. He compared the reaction to the death of loved ones between people in the west and people he met in Thailand. He concluded that the pain/suffering westerners feel when they lose a loved one is a cultural phenomenon to a large extent and its a part of the brain washing by the society, that people started to identify themselves with pain and justify it. For instance, in my culture if i lose a relative and i dont weep and suffer then i would be accused by others as being insensitive!! So if you are concerned that your chillderns would experience pain at your eventual death that would depend on their experience/personal beliefs and how wise they will be!
I understand that the human realm is the only one where we can liberate ourselves. However, i cant help but to ask myself what is more conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, is it to save myself by working hard to bring my suffering to an end and then if i still have time i start to help others, or to bring new people to this world hoping that they would follow the path! Who is helping humanity more, the monks who renunciate all worldly pleasures and gained true wisdom and share it with the rest of us, or those who have families and childerns?
Please note that i am not implying that having childerns is a bad thing from a Buddhist perspective, but i am only raising the question, which is the better choice?
In my opinion (which has nothing to do with Buddhism) having childerns these days when the world population reached 7 billions and when there is scarcity of resources and when we consider the fact that we are having 27000 childs dying every day because of poverty related caused, is NOT the best choice.
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