I want to eventually become a Buddhist, but I don't know if I can embrace not being attached to anything. For example. I love my parents and my sister unconditionally and I am attached to them. I don't want to stop loving my parents and my sister and other family members. I don't understand how you can let go of attachments and still love in the same way. I havn't meditated at all in days and I am not proud of that. I just had this dream one night (from what I remember) and this girl was in it. I wont go into too much detail but it had to do with not being alone. I am single and I was very emotionally attached to this girl. I woke up feeling like I will always want to be attached to the "girl of my dreams" and then I had doubts about me ever being able to embrace Buddhism enough to become a Buddhist. I honestly want to be attached to the concept of romance. At the same time I want to practice Buddhism. I feel like I am contradicting myself. I just am a very emotional person and am struggling spiritually because of this inward confliction. Thank you to anyone who has read this.