Am I too immoral to become a Buddhist?
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11-20-2011, 04:47 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
dear david ,
I have just read all the posts and thought what good answers everyone have given ,
I have one thought which might be usefull ,
as human beings we expect so much of our selves , so that when we fail to live up to our own expectations or the expectations that we think others have for us , we feel deflated , frustrated and as you implied unworthy ,
as buddhists we try to understand human failings , we all have failings , that is human !
one very nice peice of advice that I was given early on in my training , was to review ones own actions ... , o.k . I got angry ..... so tomorow I get up and start all over again , and try to avoid anger next time ..... at the end of each day review your thoughts and actions ...and for each thought , give your self some encoragement for what you feel you have handled well , saying if I can do this well to day , then I can keep this up tomorow .....and for those thoughts or actions where you feel you have failed , simply vow to try harder tomorow .this is called renunciation , but remember you will do nothing of any good by beating your self with a stick , be forgiving but just renounce that old action , if you feel you have been dissrespectfull , then simply by realising that mistake and vowing to TRY not to make that mistake again , you have done a worthy thing
so you see buddhist practice is very simple ! try and try and try again , .... and if you fail , o.k. just get up and try again , ...this is a very couragous thing to do , trying can be a little hard but keep going ,
and remember you are couragous , not immoral , or un worthy .
best wishes
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