The rebirth of Lamas
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11-12-2011, 02:49 AM
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Nov 2005
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Hello hajurba,
Hajurba thinks that rebirth is much misunderstood in general terms. Rebirth is a natural law that can not be proved yet scientifically...but it is obvious that rebirth takes place all the time ever since life evolved on our dear blue planet earth. Rebirth does not mean rebirth of a soul or an ego . It is the rebirth of all varieties of species that share earth with each other. If this would not be a fact then all that lives would have done only one cycle of existence and then would have vanished into the void. This may be difficult to understand for those beings who have developed the power of memory and sophisticated ways of planning , yet evolution shows that rebirth is a form of survival and becoming. If you believe that rebirth of all varieties of species happens all the time, so could you explain why the human population is increasing in the current exponential rate? If your answer is that species from other realms are getting rebirthed as humans, so could you explain why their Karma has suddenly started to lead them to the human realm?
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