Breathing. I just DON'T get it. Help!
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11-05-2011, 07:35 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi, welcome to the refuge
When you try to achieve something in meditation your working against yourself. Meditation is more something you allow to happen than something you do. I'm not really sure what it is about the breath that you don't get or find helpful. The breath is just a focus point because its happening in the here and now, It's not something to judge, it's just something to be aware of. Having your thoughts all over the place is also not something to judge, just be aware of them as thoughts and nothing more. Not good thoughts or bad thoughts, just thoughts.
For most people benefit from meditation doesn't happen quickly, it's a process, it's making new habits in the brain/mind. You will never stop the mind thinking all kinds of crap but with practice you will become aware of the thoughts just thoughts rather than believing the thought are you.
These things are very difficult for me to put into words, words can't fully express meditation/mindfulness, it does need to be experienced.
Secondly and please don't take offence but I believe that thinking ADHD makes practicing Buddhism harder is a mistake. If we all had perfect neat controlled minds then we probably wouldn't need Buddhism to help us at all. We are all different, we all have strengths and we all have weaknesses and we are all on a personal path. ADHD may actually give you more to work with.
My lovely wife doesn't get mindfulness at all. I've shown her countless Buddhist books where their talking about "self" and "I" and things like that and it just means nothing to her whilst at the same time I find it amazing that I've discovered these things that make me question the way I relate to everything else. Why? because she's already kind and thoughtful and contented and at peace with herself and I'm a dyslexic bipolar bastard
Cut the lables off and you're just you
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