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11-01-2011, 05:03 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
To keep your spine as straight as you can is most important.
Also, there is no need to work toward what some might tell you to be a "Better Posture", cross leged, Lotus etc if you are not able. All you will wind up doing is tortureing your body and that will be a turn off to continued practice.
I am not sure how it goies across the differenr schools of Buddhism, however the Lamas that have instructed me in the Kagyu Lineage have said that if you need to shift posture or move a little during your Practice that is fine. again, the goal is a relaxed focus inward not agony in your joints.
I have found it helpful to try shorter sessions 5 or 10 minutes at a time and build up endurance rather that try to sit for a marithon session right from the get go. Over time your body will become used to the posture and longer sessions will happen spontaniously.
I hope this Helps.
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