Void experience
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09-08-2011, 04:26 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Hi Kris,
again, thanks 4 the time yuo have taken to reply to my posts.
You said 'Why wait? You can start right away with simple steps. The journey
of a thousand miles etc...'
paul ; Yes you are entirely right Kris, there is little else i can do in
U went on to say to my enquiery about dual consciousness ''It's hard to find
exact parallels in written (and via a translator) texts for internal experiences as
they tend to be unique.''
i will just say Kris, that although these experiences are
indeed of an internal nature, they become, in a fashion, externalised, in that the ego
self, itself, whilst in wakeing conciousness, is aware of + directly experiencing what
the dreaming self is experiencing but that it can (the ego) 'quit' the
multidimensional awareness + return to normal egotistical perceptions, sort of resting
from the multidimensionality for a while. It can sort of flip from normal physical
perceptions to the dreaming self's perceptions or hold them both in equal 'view'.So it
percieves externally or internally or both at once, which is the 'natural' state of
this dual awareness. Is this too wordy or confusing, do you see what i mean? I
too have found few parallels to this experience.
U continued,
''I also suspect that different people will describe similar
experiences in very different ways, as words mean different things to different folks.
In any case, I'd be wary of accepting any on-line diagnosis. Many people will have an
opinion on what you write but have they also experienced the same thing?''
Thank you again for your sound advice , i think i am at the point that
perhaps there are certain Hindu texts i have come across that have been informative ,
there seem to be quite a few similarities with Buddhism , but right now i will
dedicate my time to a study of Buddhism. Indeed many people have had many + varied
things to say about my sweet little experience, most westerners think i need
psychiatric treatment + fast. Some really are genuinely concerned , some are downright
rude but none of it really bothers me nowerdays . I 'know' what i know + have
experienced, + consider myself to be a fairly well balanced more or less sane
individual. i have not yet met anyone i would consider to have had void
experience, i have heard of some descriptions but like the Ken Wilber? description
posted somewhere , they either appear to be exceedingly flowery or prosaic for my
tastes. But i do not know mr Wilber so i can make little other comment except that it
has probably come from a genuine expansion of some kind, he seems like an old hippy to
me, mostly v nice well intentioned people. Im a bit of an old hippy myself, bit of an
arthritic grouchy one actually, but there u go.
I will always try + consider another's opinions , i dont always succeed
being a bit ratty + sharp of tongue sometimes but i try. That equanimity thing.
U said, about my dual awareness
'There are different possibilities but without wanting to appear a bit
'simplistic' or 'off-the-cuff' we can apply some basic criteria to the experience. It
was impermanent (a noble truth)',,,,,,
+ i have paused just here to aknowledge that i
would agree this is indeed a noble truth,even to me all things + expeiences are
impermanent , my own experiences included, all are impermanent, even my lovely void.
They are dashed upon the rocks in the face of the 'real' which to me in the final
analysis, was nonbeing,no experience no self, so there is not much i can say about
that is there.
This is my conundrum. Was Buddha able to be aware of non-self whilst he was
walking, talking, eating etc ? If he was + this is Sunyata, or whatever it is, then
he most certaily deserves my reverences, exteremely cool dude. (i hope this does not
seem too irreverent)
It is v possible even probable that my nonself, nonbeing
'state' is not at all the same or even similar to Sunyata + Siddartha's nonself.I
understand the basic difference that Siddartha's was permanent + mine impermanent +
was surprised at the striking similarities i could see in the Jhanas but still the
question must be asked especially in relation to Buddhist views.
U went on to say
''and contained "ego awareness".
Buddha taught the various levels of absorption as a means to liberation. Perhaps this
state could be used to this end? That's kind of where it's at with Buddhism. The
followers of Buddha were taught not to cling to any states they attained and with good
This ethos starts with our sensory experiences during normal waking time and goes
from there.''
Yes, thanks Kris, this is the Buddhist way that i may learn more of.
Actually as i read the last part of your post + you say about my void
''Chances are, that it will never exactly replicate again, as it was a
specific moment of breakthrough but meditation practice on the breath, can be used to
"enter the void". You can do this right now.''
What , is this true, tho i am not calling you a liar, but can one
really enter into void + non self simply thru breathing ? Looks like i missed
something ! + something basic + even intrinsic to the experience itself ....
Breathing, i will have to find someone to teach me, + to meditate,
Buddhist style.
Well i should stop yabbering for the while. I hope i am not too wordy
for your tastes but i feel i must probe + explore this Buddhism as much as i can , a
bit of catching up to do.
respectfully, paul
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