My experience is not then Sunyata or Nirvana as u said, as it was only in the meditative state itself + not out of it . So i understand what u mean by being 'in' it or 'out' of it , + which state of full realisation both internally or externally ( of the meditative state )+ whilst eating , talking drinking, walking, is Sunyata or Nirvana , which Siddartha attained + taught. Is this the right interpretation?
Your suggestion 4 me to quit dissociation from all thoughts + feelings because they remove 'Sati' + dont create 'Sati' is something i dont fully comprehend right now, perhaps if u could find the time to enlighten me further i would appreciate it.
I could either 'see' another persons dreams or otherworldly excursions whilst 'seeing' vistas of other civilisations around me or 'see' a friend coming roud to visit b4 they arrived , i could go into a meditative state + still retain (an extended) awareness of the external world etc,etc. i dont think i slept in the usual sense in that my awareness seemed continous thru both wakeing + dreaming , they were simultaneous. Is there a state of cons's described in the Buddhist texts that might in some way be similar to this experience? i would be v interested to know of it.