For example killing a mosquito that keep on biting you and torturing you when trying to sleep is not the same as killing another human being!! so which is better, staying whole night awake suffering from bites and annoying noise, or killing the bloody mosquito?
When you talk about sexual misconduct, the woman does not have to be my neighbor’s wife!!! she could be a single beautiful woman that i meet in the club and we can spend good time together without anyone gets hurt!! how about masturbation? is it a sexual misconduct?
please have a look at the following story and let me know what you think:,3456,0,0,1,0
In relation to the second question, i knew that the Buddha was Prince Siddhartha, but the whole point is that Buddhism can be used by some as escapism and denial. Personally, i dont want to become a buddhism for the wrong reasons if you understand what i mean!
Finally, regarding the third question, i thought that a baby is porn as a white page (egoless)!! I ve read articles describe the ego as "the voice in your head" or as "a by product of living with others" or as "an accumulated phenomenon"
I respectfully disagree with you here, the three groups are not the same!!