I understand to be enlightend one must focus on ones iner self thats all i ever do because no one else unstands me i believe i should start to put others first and break this vicious cycle where no one cares . It,s because were all so self encroced about perfection that nothing is perfect .Jesus said lead by example. But we all have differnt example that we live by how can you teach the world to all sing the same song. I believe the world has allways sang the same song but no one can hear it .Only now is it making it self herd .I am the lord of the dance said he . I have never stopped dacing to this song .I will have to leave this site soon it distracting me away from the truth But if you think you can help i will read your response This is a poem i thought years ago .I AM FOOL OF FOOLS THE KING THAT NEVER RULES THE STONE UPON THE GROUND THAT IS NEVER FOUND . THE STONE IS ME AND IT IS LOVE .A world without love is a world wthout meaning to escape from it is like a life without meaning .Being a one man band in this world is like be stuck between a rock and hard place .I just wish everyone would stop throwing stones at each other and find love true love in there hearts instead .That is the only real way to escape from suffering .