What does the concept of ‘Interbeing’ mean?
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06-13-2011, 11:43 PM
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Oct 2005
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Buddhism* for Beginners:
Imagine a table. This table, says interbeing, doesn't exist on its own: there were trees and carpenters that had to come together appropriately for there to be a table, to say nothing of any nails and wood finish and the specific table blueprint and so on. Then, of course, the wood was first a tree which required sunlight and soil nutrients and so on. The carpenters have parents, need to eat, had to learn carpentry, and so on. The table ultimately relies on all this in order 'to be', and this state of affairs is being described by interbeing.
*Debatable, when it comes to interbeing: yet hopefully this description is enough for the idea to make sense.
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