Thanks I'm a big fan of Bruce Lee, and he's a big philosophical influence for me, personally.
Simply that the Right View the Dhamma describes, whether discerned as a Buddhist, derived from Buddhism generally, or arrived at through other channels, is the Right View for the ending of greed, hatred, and delusion. It isn't doing as one's told, however: Sanditthika Sutta: "...the Dhamma is visible in the here-&-now, timeless, inviting verification, pertinent, to be realized by the wise for themselves." It's to be seen by the wise for themselves - experiential discernment, precisely as you say. It may in fact be the only way, but in either case it is the most direct, as it is without speculative metaphysics, unexperienced beliefs, or mere fealty to authority. It also isn't likely, but assured, given one attains the Noble Path - sotapanna and so on. One takes refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Noble Sangha, not in one among many Buddhisms. The Dhamma I referred to is that Dhamma, not this or that tradition.