What are the different kinds of Buddhism, and what are the differences?
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11-26-2010, 12:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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In Buddhism today there is Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana
Theravada is the oldest and the closest to the original teachings of the Buddha
Mahayana developed a few centuries after the Buddha died
Vajrayana developed out of Mahayana
Theravada teaches the Four Noble Truths, Three marks of existence and sticks to the pali cannon Suttas which are the oldest record of what the Buddha said. Theravada aims at Arahantship, which is enlightenment on par with what the Buddha achieved. There is no difference between the enlightenment of an Arahant or the Buddha
Mahayana also accept the pali suttas and four noble truths etc however the major difference is the shift away from the Arahant ideal to the concept of being a Bodhisattva. This is a being who chooses to stay in samsara in order to help others become enlightened. Mahayana also uses the Mahayana Sutras which were not spoken by Buddha and were written centuries after he had died
This school includes Zen, Pure land Buddhism etc
Its worth noting as well that the Bodhisattva ideal and the concept of delaying enlightenment to help others is not a teaching that is found in the pali suttas but seems to very much be a later idea that developed
Vajrayana claims to be the highest path. It is Mahayana in the sense of having the Bodhisattva ideal and Mahayana Sutras. However it also uses tantric practices and claims to be the fastest path to enlightenment
Tibetan Buddhism is Vajrayana
As for the "bible" of Buddhism, this would be the pali suttas
You can find some online here (although the translations are not always great)
If you want a hard copy with good translation then I would buy
Majjhima Nikaya - The Middle length discourses of the Buddha
Samyutta Nikaya - The Connected Discourses of the Buddha
Digha Nikaya - The long Discourses of the Buddha
Hope that was helpful
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