how does someone take refuge in the three jewels (dharma, sangha, karma) ?
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03-19-2011, 05:38 AM
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Oct 2005
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Hello friedenbaum,
While we can practice the teachings of the historical Buddha it is not a bad idea to look around for the different types of traditions that offers us the refuge of the "Sangha" that can include, as told by Aloka, "the guru". Other "Sanghas" do not include "the guru" as a main refuge but the practice of group meditation (attending zazen and teishos) as happens in some Soto Zen Schools. I think that a "Sangha" is useful anytime it brings you a support for your practice when surrounded by people that share more less the main concerns, attitudes, believes and scopes about the practice of the Dhamma and giving a friendly support to each other while we are learning through the path. The Buddha is the reminder of the one who awoke to his delusion. But nothing more than that. The real refuge is your own practice. Nobody can give you the refuge that your practice brings to yourself.
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