Understanding Karma (logically?)
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12-30-2010, 01:41 AM
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Oct 2005
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Understanding Karma (logically?)
I have a feeling everything im about to say/ask is merely because I have not done enough research on Karma, and therefore do not fully understand it, so if you can help me better wrap my mind around Karma (logically) I would greatly appreciate it. So far, Karma is the only thing I am having trouble understanding.
From what I understand about Karma,
-All actions/intentions/etc. reap benefits/consequences (this is karma).
-Everything that happens to you (good or bad) is a result of Karma
-Buddhists do not believe in 'luck', everything is a result of something else. (therefore there is no 'randomness'? )
-There is no self or inherent existence, yet our own actions result in our own karma (that follow ‘us’ from life to life)
-Karma is balanced/fair/equal (throughout all of time you will receive negative results for all ‘bad karma’ you have accumulated, and vise-versa)
These things don't really make 'logical' sense to me... (or contradict my above understanding of what I know what about Karma so far...)
-How can karma follow us as individuals if none of us have inherent self-existence?
-How can natural events (such as death from earthquake/tsunami/storm/etc.) be results of our human intentions/actions (IE How can natural events be the results of karma)
-What even is Karma… Is it some kind of energy? How can it follow us around and reap results on our lives if it is not ‘something’?
-Randomness must exist, since ‘free-thinking’ humans exist. (I can choose to go out on the streets and start pushing or hugging ‘random’ people for no reason. Can it really be argued that those people are reaping the results of previous past karma?)
-If randomness exists, how could Karma be fair/balanced/equal? Throughout the course of all human time, across thousands of lives lived (good and bad), will everyone truly receive equal results of good and bad events across those lives based on their actions/intentions?
-Natural events that have casues and conditions outside human control cannot possibly be the results of karma. Therefore bad events (untimely deaths) must occur to undeserving humans all the time.
In Conclusion:
How can we really say that every 'bad event' in our lifetimes is a result of past karma? (is there any logical reason or evidence to support this belief?)
How can we even argue that karma even exists? (when natural events completely out of our control happen all the time, sometimes even effecting thousands of people at a time)
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