Understanding Karma (logically?)
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01-03-2011, 11:53 PM
Join Date
Jul 2006
Senior Member
This may be of some help to you
Having Peace in Ourselves
Let the various moods and emotions that come up simply be as they are. In this
way we train really to be with ourselves. We train this very self to sit and really be
there, to stand and be really there, to walk and really be there, until always, in whatever changing posture, we can be called fully aware. We are fully there through our peace. It’s different from being on top of our experience through getting carried away
with pleasures and having fun. Instead, being fully up to life comes from peace of
heart. If there is peace, we are in a state where we can adjust to anything that comes
up, so we can always be in the appropriate mode. We see things correctly and have
right understanding because the mental impulses (sa ˙nkh¯aras) are quiet. There are no
proliferations. We feel the sa ˙nkh¯aras at peace. With all the kinds of opinions that could
come up, we won’t start arguing.
When relating to the world and society, those who are intelligent, understanding
and have a feeling of peacefulness will praise us. But should they praise us, we don’t
get happy because of it. We don’t get infatuated with it. Ultimately, the praise of
someone is just a product of the delusion of the one who expresses it. Just that much.
We don’t have feelings of like and dislike. Praise is just what it is. We don’t feel that
we need to foolishly run after it. We don’t want to get on the track of being a slave.
If we maintain peace, there is nothing that can do harm to us. Even if others should
blame, criticize or condemn us, making us subject to suspicions out of enmity, we
nevertheless have peace. We have peace towards the anitth¯araman¯a, the mental states
we don’t wish to have, which don’t go according to our likes. Even they can’t cause
us harm and be disadvantageous. Should someone criticize us, it’s just that much.
Eventually it all dissolves by itself. It flows away in it’s own specific way. This is
where the lokadhamma can’t dominate us, since we have nothing but peace in our
When standing, when walking, when sitting, when sleeping and when getting up,
this is it. If we deal with society, and with things in the world around us, we can relate
in a way that is of benefit for all. We don’t go astray and drift away. We behave like
one who can let things be. We behave like saman. as, like anag¯arikas (homeless ones),
who are not bound up. This is the way we train. Training ourselves like this is really
peaceful. Wemake peace arise all the time. Whenever we are in society, we will always
have smoothness and tranquility.
5Seeing it like this, I would say, gives us an understanding of the way to let things
be Dhamma – it gives us a sense for the state where we are Dhamma. If we truly
are Dhamma, external things, the realm of forms (r ¯upa-khandha) and conditions (sa ˙nkh¯aras), our living in society, and objects around us are no problem – they won’t make us struggle. There is no confusion, no happiness, no suffering, no delight, no sorrow. There is nothing which can give rise to feelings of opposition or aversion. Everything flows naturally following the force this state of peace has. Everything dissolves
through the power of peacefulness. Nothing really matters, there is nothing to gain.
It’s not essential, it’s uninteresting. We don’t find all those things that we were interested in when we were children attractive any more. There is nothing about the world that can overwhelm us, there is nothing that canmake us go wrong. Not to fail is really a good thing. This is indeed something we could rightly accept praise for – but there is no one to praise. It just praises itself, just like the name and the qualities of the Lord
Buddha that we recite together in the chant on the Nine Qualities of the Buddha. The praise is intrinsically there through itself
and this
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