Questions About Anatta and Causes
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05-24-2010, 07:03 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
you find that the observer and the observed are the same thing
I am looking at a tree. This tree generates an image on my retina which is then sent to my occipital lobe which then interprets the image by relating it to an abstract "concept"/image of "tree". In this case how would you describe "observer" and "observed"? Does the tree exist if I don't see it - that is do I create the image, in which case the observer being the same as the oberved makes some sense to me.
I'm not sure this example is relevant.
I have no problem dispensing with the idea of a "soul" but I'm not able to get my brain around the idea that there is no "self"-that which experiences things, including ignorance.
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