Difficulties in practice after a recent retreat.
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07-25-2010, 12:09 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
If the teacher is not helping, then perhaps you should pursue the Dhamma elsewhere. It sounds to me that this might be something to try. One can always argue that the teacher is deliberately trying to teach you with his anger (even though I personally find this a bit far-fetched), but I have heard of many teachers who manage very well without this, and if it is not helping, then you have the choice of moving on. Are you the kind of person who does well with direct contact with people like this? I have had virtually none myself, having kept mostly to myself my whole life, except for necessary human contacts and close family. My contact with the Dhamma and other people interested in it has been almost exclusively via the Internet. It depends on what kind of person you are (or perhaps I should say, what you are used to).
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