Colleges are run by ****tards
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01-21-2009, 02:55 AM
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Oct 2005
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The particular class I wanted the book for is intro to psych. I don't need to belittle the teacher any, he does it so well himself. He has a PhD in Psychology and has never practiced or done studies, he got his PhD and went straight to teaching. Which is fine I suppose, but he still calls himself a psychologist. As far as I'm concerned he's still a student, just higher up on the ladder. It's like reading an operators manual for a piece of large machinery and never operating it.
the lecturers would centre their lectures around books they had written, but some of the students knew that the majority of the content was stolen, and that you'd get better marks if you turned up to seminars with your own ideas, rather than those the lecturer had preached and written well before you even arrived at university. So if you could turn up to a seminar with your own ideas, and the ability to defend them, then it wouldn't matter what the lecturer had written.
Good idea. I have the wrong idea so ingrained in my mind it's difficult to think differently. In my mind what I need to do is learn what the teacher tests for so I can pass the test. I guess that's really only cheating myself though, which will hurt me when I move on to an actual university.
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