Nah. That's just what they try to convince you of. Those with a low self-esteem feel a constant need to reassure themselves by trying to convince everybody else. That's something you virtually NEVER hear from americans imo, despite being the most dominant force in the world culturally, economically and many other areas. There's a lot of flagwaving and nationalism in the US yes, but when you meet americans IRL they never sit and brag about how great their country is. That's why I mentioned Spain and France. They have such a childish type of nationalism. They'll start sulking if you say something bad about their country and when it comes to feats and exploits there's nothing they won't try to lay a claim on - no matter how absurd it sounds. It's like talking to a 5-year old. (Sorry if I'm making very blanket statements here, but it's just the nature of the subject)