NO, this is a myth that has to stop, and I see you are mixed race so you have to understand it. Racism is based on power. As such only those classified as white in our current global system truly have the power to be racist against those who aren't classified as 'white'. People who aren't classified as white simply can't be racist in tbe same way. A mixed race South American being racist to a black African is kind of impotent, if that's the right way to put it, they just don't have the global social power to back it up. I'm not saying this is right, I am just saying there is a clear hierarchy in place right now, and it is pure Europeans against non-pure European or any one else. It might well change in the future, but right now that is what most people understand, and that is why the Luis Suarez case is weird. Except that Europeans (whites) are always liable to accept others to their fold when it suits, if it's in their interest, I guess that's what happening now, with slightly ambiguous South Americans. Maybe...?