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Old 05-12-2012, 03:33 PM   #34

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Oct 2005
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It's not fraud.

Their empires actually covered huge territory, and had some important advances in mathematics. They were halfway to civilisation, Negroes never created any civilisation.
You and your stormfront type views are fraud. We've been over this topic too many times and I'm not going to to feed the trolls and your desire to soapbox racist views about blacks ad-naseum, I can readily cite academic support that your view is a fraud, you cannot. Will the real fraud please stand up?

"Civilisation" my ass:

Do you really think video game developers are going to include an "empire" with sand castles as their most impressive architecture? For fuck's sake, it would be a joke and no one would pick the Mali Empire to play with.
Your personal opinion doesn't mean jack Mister Stormfront Jr and there is nothing wrong with mud structures, in fact that Mosque is rated as the number two type structure in the world:

The Great Mosque of Djenné is one of the most amazing and unique mosques in the world. That marvellous building is made of mud, clay and wood, which can be found in the area and is voluntarily maintained by the local people who prevent it from cracks and damage caused by erosion and moisture. The walls of the Grand Mosque are built of sun-baked clay bricks, called ferey, and clay mortar. They are covered with plaster of clay and are thick between 41 and 61 centimetres, which gives a smooth sculpted look of the building. Half of the mosque is covered by a roof and the other is an outdoor prayer garden. The mosque was one of the most important Islamic learning centres in Africa during the Middle Ages. Grand Mosque remains the most outstanding symbol of the city of Jenny and Mali.
Ancient Assyrians extensively used mud bricks too, so by your own logic you shoot yourself in the head.
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