I've had in mind for quite some time to add a literature section. Don't know about video games, but probably will add one in the Lounge if so. But the literature section will be in the main and open as it's an important aspect of human intellectual diversity. I've been postponing it for too long. If you play StarCraft II, please add me there, same username as here. It's not fraud. Their empires actually covered huge territory, and had some important advances in mathematics. They were halfway to civilisation, Negroes never created any civilisation. It's not a theory by the way. I'm just saying, there wasn't any Negro civilisation, and so, there's no incentive to include any Negro Empire in a video game. These "empire" games are about civilisation mainly. It's not a theory; it's your opinion. Your opinion doesn't become a fact by calling it theory. Please don't misuse the term "theory". These "empires" were very late in history, and they were quite small in comparison with the major empires of that time. The Fulani Empire, for example, existed between 1230s–1600s and wasn't all that wide territory wise, but more importantly, it was less advanced than the Akkadian Empire (first empire in history), even though it existed several thousand years later. That's why no one takes Negro Empires seriously, least of all video game developers. Yes, we can ignore them, because video game developers don't teach us about Negro "civilisations"...