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Old 01-12-2012, 06:37 PM   #15

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Oct 2005
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When I visited Austria I saw many blondes there and most of the people had blue or green eyes. They didn't resemble southern Europeans for example. They looked more Germanic to me. I have the impression that blondism in Austria is much more the 10% you mentioned. I have never met an Austrian with dark curly hair. This is not even that usual in South Europe, where people are quite darker. Dark curly hair is mostly found in northern Africa, Middle East and in South Europe last.
I think curly hair (and wavy-curly) isn't rare among western europeans. I would say it's more (european standards) a west-east decline. Iberia, France, UK, Italy, Western Germany...have a lot of dark curly/wavy-haired people.

Austria was the epicenter of an empire wich compelled lots of peoples who were already a mix of various historical peoples (celts, rhaetians, slavs, germans, illyrians, hungarians...) It's not an isolated place, you can find many different phenos there.
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