Aaudi Arabia was called ( Al Ghor )
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08-14-2012, 03:58 AM
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Oct 2005
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Aaudi Arabia was called ( Al Ghor )
Aaudi Arabia was called ( Al Ghor ) , Located southwest of Asia ,
Joshua 15 ; 52 , And I Quote ; 15 And he went up thence to the inhabitants of Debir: and the name of Debir before was Kirjathsepher
Enclosed by Jordan and Iran , East of Dumah , The sixth son of Ishmael and his Egyptian , Genesis 21 ; 21 , Where It States ; 21 And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.
It was first called Arabia in the year 1926 A.D. When Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud ( 1880 -1952 A.D. ) Declared himself The King . He was not an indigenous member of the piece of Land . Arabia was originally a part of Africa before they divided into what is called the reed , Or Red Sea ,
A Natural fret , Which created the division . Before the division , Arabia was inclusive as a part of Nuwba , The term for the whole of Africa . The Nuwba are the Indigenous people of that land , Who were Dark -Skinned , Woolly - Haired . Descendants from the Dark -Skinned , Woolly - Haired mixture of Chaldean and the Dark -Skinned , Woolly -Haired Mixture of Egiptian ,
That is Abraham and Hagar , And their seed mixed in with the sons and daughter of Joktan , Son of Eber and Hudith .
Joktan son Eber and Hudith
Eber son of Shelah and Hudith
Hudith wife of Eber
The word Arabia comes from the Arabic word A'raba , ''To Wander , Roam Or Move '' . A term used in modern Arabic sons of Ishmael ( Son of Abraham The Chaldean and Hagar the Egiptian ) Were named Arab . His twelve sons by Saaida Faatimah were according to ,
Genesis 25 ; 13 , Where It States And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam.
Named ; 1 . Nebajoth , 2 . Kedar , 3 . Adbeel , 4 . Mibsam , 5 . Mishma , 6 . Dumah , 7 . Massa , 8 . Hadar , 9 . Tema . 10 . Jetur .
11 . Naphesh , 12 . Kedemah , And one daughter Basemah ( Mahalet )
Ishmael son of Abraham and Hagar
Saaida Faatimah wife of Ishmael
Abraham son of Terah and Nuwna
Sons of Ishmael and Saaida Faatimah
Places throughout their Scriptures namely ; The Torah of the Jew . The New Testamemt of The Christian , And The Koran of The Muslims , Named places and languages after people which bring the questions , Which land or person in those Scriptures was named Arab in ( Joshua 15 ; 52 ,)
But the first letter is an ( Aliph - arabic ) , Not an ( Aiyn -arabic ) .
Thus , It is not the same word . The present day Arab , Which The Koran calls < El A'raab - arabic > The desert Arabs Holy Qur'aan 9 ; 97-99 , Where It States ; The Arabs of the desert are the worst in Unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which God hath sent down to His Messenger: But God is All-knowing, All-Wise. 98 Some of the desert Arabs look upon their payments as a fine, and watch for disasters for you: on them be the disaster of evil: for God is He That heareth and knoweth (all things). 99 But some of the desert Arabs believe in God and the Last Day, and look on their payments as pious gifts bringing them nearer to God and obtaining the prayers of the Messenger. Aye, indeed they bring them nearer (to Him): soon will God admit them to His Mercy: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
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