Aaudi Arabia was called ( Al Ghor )
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08-15-2012, 02:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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It is clear from this 97th verse and the following 2 , Which used the term '' Al A'raab
meaning '' The Arab ' were not of the same Race or Stock as the Prophet Muhammad , Because the Revelation is speaking to him about desert Arabs , He could not fit the description above . So there must be an Arab Muhammad and a Black / Nubian Muhammad .
The two Muhammad will be explained later . So there is no race of Arabs ; There is no land of Arabia . These is definitely ( No Middle East ) . You can't have a Middle East , And it is definitely not Asia . Nor are they Asiatics . For the word Asia , Means '' Orient '' or where the Suns rises , And is speaking to those beyond the Tigris Euphrates . The Mongolians are your Asians or your Asiatics . Arabia was invaded by the Saud family of India , Of Hindu descent , Who had mixed with turkish , Creating Indo-Arab .
More in next post to come .
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