As Refugees Flee Islamists in Mali, Solutions Are Elusive
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07-16-2012, 08:16 PM
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Oct 2005
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Lol, even Hamza Yusuf praised Taliban so stop listening to him. Stop listening to pretty much all Deobandi Ulema. And all jihadi ulema across the world, people like Yusuf al Qaradawi, etc.
As for your claim they kill mostly civilians, they actually kill mostly soldiers such as Afghan National Army, Pak Army, Yemeni Army, US, etc.
As for your claim that they are unislamic, I want you to give us a few actions that Taliban have done (and that they have not denied in one of their statements) and show how it is not Islamic (cue all the claims they kill women or don't let them go to school, blah blah blah even though they categorically deny all these things)
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